Dr. Khaled F. Sherif
Executive Director for Egypt and Djibouti, Board of Directors, African Development Bank Group
Arab World
Egypt's Illusive Economic Success Story
Advancing Development and Opportunities in the Arab World
The Arab World: The Illusion Behind the Growth & Prosperity
After the Great Recession: Africa's Global Emergence
World Financial Markets After the Recession
The Crisis of Mexico, the Tigers & Russia: Possible Impact on Arab Financial Markets
Romania: Recent Developments in and Plans for Continued Financial Sector Reform
Private Participation in Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Lessons for the Transition Economies
Stock Market and the Macroeconomy
Financial and Private Sector Reform in Transition Economies of the ECA Region
Public Banks: Restructuring and Privatization Issues
State Bank Privatization: What Works and What Fails
Algeria: Key Economic Performance Indicators (2010)
Libya: Key Economic Performance Indicators (2010)
Morocco: Key Economic Performance Indicators (2010)
Nigeria: Key Economic Performance Indicators (2010)
South Africa: Key Economic Performance Indicators (2010)
Egypt's Illusive Economic Success Story
Micro Lending in the 21st Century: Approaches for Success in the Egyptian Economy
Reforming and Dismantling Egypt’s Holding Companies
Local Economic Development (Part I)
Local Economic Development (Part II)
Reforms for Promoting Economic Growth
Managerial Excellence in Egypt's Public Sector
Management Consulting and the Civil Service
Egypt's Impending Water and Power Crisis
Knowledge Economy/Knowledge Management
A New Decade of Knowledge Management and Innovation
Knowledge as a Driver and Facilitator of Change (upon request)
The Role of ICT in Knowledge-Based Development (upon request)
Outsourcing to promote SME Development (upon request)
Recent Speeches
Speech on State Bank Privatization: What Works and What Fails (upon request)